
Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Major Habits That Destroy Trust in Human Relationship

Trust is built as people begin see the other person's side of the story, and give-and-take is necessary for a romantic relationship to work. 'This demonstrates a preference placed on his own needs rather than yours,' says Jane Greer, PhD, New York-based relationship expert, and author of How Could You Do This to Me? Learning to Trust After Betrayal. 'If that's the case, how can you trust him to be emotionally supportive when you need him?' For a relationship to be successful, you need to learn how to make the other person happy, too. 'Someone who never compromises is selfish and immature,' says April Masini, a New York-based relationship and etiquette expert and author. 'Anyone in a healthy relationship knows that 'you win some, you lose some' is not just a sing-song phrase; it's truth. If someone won't compromise, it means he cares more about having his way than giving in and being generous.' 

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